Saphemerald's Blog

March 8, 2013
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An epitome of wisdom
An epitome of beauty
An epitome of brain
An epitome of future

I know her and i cherished her.
She is the reason the world is still movin
She is the source of great inventors
She is the source of great minds
She is the source of world peace

Have you seen her in action?
Have you seen her at home?
Have seen her in the corporate world?
Have you seen her in the church?
Have seen her in her small remote community?
Have you seen her represent her husband?
Have you seen her build her home?
Have you seen her defend her home?
Have you seen her protect what is hers?
Have you seen her stand up for her fellow women?

She relentlessly keep going with a strong unquenchable spirit.

OH Women!
I love thee
I honour thee
I adore thee
I respect thee

To all women- mothers, wives, daugters, sisters. Savour in the moment and this is meant to let you know that you are love and appreciated


To Whose Glory…

February 25, 2013
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To whose glory, if I may ask, Is it the war you sent me without weapon?

Just with an empty lonely hand of unbroken shackles

What is it you derive from my pains?

Why is my joy your sorrow?

Why our cry must be listened to by the old sleeping deaf man?

You force us all to write our heart before a renowned blind fool


Treat her like a lady

February 23, 2013
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This is a common a phrase as the infamous ABC. As common as it is; I want to treat this topic from my own point of view, some might agree with me, and definitely some will have different perspective to this. However you find this piece of mine; I am open to critics – positive?  Negative? Be lenient though.

Love and Relationship are very momentous a topic, and when treating this topic; it’s always woven around two people – A man and a Woman.

Women, women, women! How can I treat this? Women are vital to the society; however you see it they are the pillar of any society and the world at large.

They are so important and unavoidable; what can a woman do? What can’t a woman do? If you ask me I will say the later is void and the former is valid. A woman can do virtually anything. Like the opposite sex women are necessary evil! Yes I will put it that way.

As we all know woman in the past have cause war between two country, two empire; even two brothers! To get the best from them, you have to treat them and tame them the same way a lion can be tamed. You bet they can be as gentle as a dove and as wild as a lion.

To get the best of them, give them their food and speak their language.

How then can you treat her like a lady?

1.     Women are different so, you can’t treat A the way you will a man

2.     Never expect to get  much love from a lady that you can’t give love to, in as much as women are soft hearted; you don’t want to see the wrath of a enraged woman

3.     If you want to be respected; respect and adore your lady

4.     All the money in this world will never buy love; it has never worked. The only thing you will be doing is pushing her far away from you.

5.     Jealousy! We’ve heard about what it is, and what it can do. It’s destructive. Control it; so many people have lost their great love because of this

6.     Control! Well she is your girlfriend, fiancee or wife as the case may be; she isn’t your subordinate neither is she lesser than you. If you want to get the best from any women be an important part of her life; don’t try to take over; instead take part . In as much as two become one; you both are still an individual.

7.     Insecurity! This not only destroy relationship it kills self esteem and take away all form of self respect you have for yourself and eventually the respect you deserve from her

8.     Appreciation! We all deserve to beloved and we crave for appreciation; most importantly by someone we love. And even if you are the type that don’t give praises; then don’t bring her down with your mouth; you can as well keep quiet, but believe me she won’t be there for long.

9.     Communication! Some school of thought believe communication is the back bone of any relationship – marriage, courtship, family, workplace etc. I am a crusader of this. Without communication there is no relationship. You have to always keep the line open! Talk about it, because then you can both solve it. It’s called a relationship because it involves not only you but the two of you hence; it is all about talking, talking and talking. –
Communication! Listen to her; tell her how you feel about her. There is nothing like the popular phrase “of course she knows how I feel about her!” does she really? Or you assumed, have you for once tell it to her face. You never know what height of achievement and love you will get if only the communication line can be open.

10.           Obnoxious? Some men are just hateful or intolerable in nature; they want it their way always; fine sometime they find great love; but believe me an obnoxious man always unknowingly keep the door half open for ladies. She will get tired of your social or psychology problem and find the quickest escape route.

11.         Deception? You can play the game all you want and think she is the greatest fool that ever live; one day the veil on her face will be open and she will see you in your real color; and when that happens, you will never get it right again; because henceforth what you will be getting is what you are good at giving. – DECEIT

12.         The more you give the more you get?
Yes to some extent, it is a relationship, it ought to be symbiotic not parasitic in nature. Gift, however small it is; goes along way and it is well appreciated because it the thought behind the giving not the gift alone that matters.

13.     The more you give the less you get?
Yes, surprised? Remember what I said earlier about money can’t buy love, so instead of thinking  giving expensive gift will represent your time love and affection; it will only make her long for that strong sturdy lovable arms of a loving and attentive man! Yes and be careful with your expensive gift; it amount to – NOTHING! All she wanted is – YOU!

14.       Support? Yes! We still want to feel and have that fatherly love, we might not be daddy’s little girl anymore; but in our heart we still need that fatherly unconditional love; so give little that you could.

15.         Love. What can I say? We can’t get enough of it as we know you need much of that. Give it if you do you will also get it in manifolds!


I hope you don’t think I am a feminist; I am not if you want to read my thought on the opposite sex and how to treat them read:

Men or babies! A little this; a little that

I hope you are entertained, informed and educate.

Till you hear from me again

I remain yours fondly

Go impact your world


Oh Lagos! My Lagos…..

November 3, 2010
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Oh Lagos! My Lagos.
Lagos my origin, Lagos my home; Lagos land of my Ancestors!
Lagos I beseech you; Lagos I call thee.
Lagos my beloved.
I am your daughter, I am your crusader, I am your beloved and above all Lagos I am your mother!

Oh my Lagos! Land of my Ancestors! I beckon u! I call upon thee; yes! I your daughter!
When the rest of the world couldn’t accept me, even from conception u took me in, u accept me.
U welcome me to your aquatic grandeur and ambiance;
Oh my Lagos how glad I am and how favoured I was!
Oh Lagos land of my Birth! My Lagos; Land of my ancestors

Oh Lagos!
Lagos my home, I love thee as u has loved me,
I feel your pain, and I share your sorrow.
Oh Lagos how sad I become when I witness your gradual torture; from the infidel who only want to take from u and refuse to give back,
Oh Lagos! My Lagos; U never asked; but it won’t kill them if they care for u; in honor to all you’ve given them
Oh Lagos; My Lagos,
Lagos my home, my palace.
Oh Lagos u mean all to me. I live in your beauty;
I sleep in your serenity
I grow in; in your diverse wisdom
Oh Lagos, my wealth u gave to me. Lagos the city of excellence!
I call on thee: Lagos Lagos Lagos
I have it all in you.
Splendour, serenity, opportunity, intellect, technology, happiness peace.
Oh Lagos My home – L’home

Oh Lagos! My Lagos
is rest assured for:
I will forever be your crusader!
I will tell d world who u really are!
I will show the world who u meant to be
I will show d world that u can be
I will show the world what u birth
Oh Lagos my Lagos……….
U are beautiful – have they seen your aquatic splendour
U are peaceful – no wonder; people with diverse tongue live with u
U are strong – no wonder u are indomitable!
U are an ever-growing eye opener – no wonder they wait on u for new direction
U are trend setter! – Fair maiden can’t abode anywhere else but with u!
Oh Lagos! My Lagos………………
Who else can be like u?
Take what you have taken?
Oh Lagos! My Lagos
I name thee – ‘Mother Nature’

Oh Lagos My Lagos,
as nature takes turn to care for d ones who once care for them….
you’ve birth me; care for me……..

Now I will care for u!
I will be a mother to u
Love u as a good mother love her seeds.

Oh Lagos! My Lagos; my baby……
Weep no more for your light as come
Your children have risen to care for u,
To be to be what you’ve been to them,
To do more and better,
As I lay my head down now, I lie to wake again to a newer Lagos
A Lagos of my dream
A Lagos that once been
A Lagos that will always be
A Lagos that will wax stronger as d day rise
A Lagos that will know no sorrow
A Lagos that will be a home of peace, growth and joy;

An Ideal Lagos My Ideal Lagos.

Oh Lagos! My Lagos

Go impact your world

Search Within

August 17, 2010
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Search within is thought about is a didactic write up, at times in life we search and seek for things that we have already. we seek for love even when it is right in front of us; we seek for happiness from what seems like it but not it. we leave what rightly belong to us and pursue futility. this piece of art we surely change your perspective to life and all. Saphemerald

At The Funeral Home

August 10, 2010
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The Funeral home, is a Satire on life and death.

Oh Money!

August 7, 2010
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Oh Money! is a poem about money, what it stand for, it’s expectation from human, how to acquire it, how to keep it. this is all about money.

Writing Settings ‹ Saphemerald’s Blog — WordPress

August 4, 2010
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Writing Settings ‹ Saphemerald’s Blog — WordPress.

Posted in Uncategorized

Body Language

August 4, 2010
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Body language is the unspoken or non-verbal mode of communication that we use in every single aspect of our interaction with another person. It is like a mirror that tells us what the other person thinks and feels in response to our words or actions. Body language involves gestures, mannerisms, and other bodily signs.


August 3, 2010
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The-Y-factor – this is a bit insight into what i called the known factor of human existence, we have heard and know the X-factor, now get an insightful knowledge of the Y -factor- the YOU or KNOWN Factor. happy reading

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About author

HI, I am Abiola Olowolagba by name and I am penned as "saphemerald." I am an avid writer, writing is everything to me - it's life, food and companion. I warmly welcome you my blog, to share with you thought from passionate mind and share with you my creative writings. My inspiration in life varies, and can sometime be that thing you think is nothing I am a big dreamer! And sometime my dream seems too big for some minds; funny? but I know great minds are presume incredible. My dream and vision as a writer is to be......... the first Nigerian maybe African to win an Oscar for best script. WHAT DO I WRITE ABOUT? Love, life, family, death, spirituality, mystery and forms of creative writing. Like I always say: GIVE ME A SOMETHING; I will give to you a novel, script, poem even a play. Finally I am here to learn and grow Warm wishes Saphemerald





